・タイマーICを使った工作品になった。 ワンショット入力でONし、設定された時間に到達するとOFFになる。小中学生向けの電子工作品。
green は受電ランプ。
作動中確認にblue led.
動作時間の長短はVRにて設定する。 VR=60Kオーム時に1秒ほど。
トーンもVRにて設定する。 図中定数では1.3KC~3.5KCの範囲になる。
tone is changeable. on-time is changeable.
can make NASA beep as you like.
this is as RK-106 for studying ne555.
YouTube: one shot beep unit : using 555 timer
The start trigger is an external contact. Turn this on and the operation starts. The circuit is such that the on-time is not affected even if the contacts are turned on while the ne555 is doing.
There is a video in the second half that does not change the on-time even if the switch is turned on several times. How did you understand that?
It is a "board for understanding the operation of ne555" for junior high school students.